Monday, 5 December 2011

What do you find sexy/sensual without revealing all?

Ask for feedback on what people find sexy/sensual with Boudoir shoots

OK - so for 2012 I plan to turn my Boudoir Photography into a more of a speciality of mine; I seem to have been blessed with putting people at ease during the sittings and I enjoy watching people transform before my eyes for shy and nervous to relaxed and confident.

I already have many ideas and have had the privilege of working with many models and photographers in the past few years, but what I want to know is what do you guys n gals find sexy and sensual without revealing all?

If you have ideas or examples of your ideas feel free to message me direct via - I may use your ideas on my blog or website etc so if you wish to remain anonymous the please let me know and it shall be done!!

Till next time CJx

Friday, 25 November 2011

Shutter Monkeys Agency Launch

A launch date of 1st January 2012, has been set for the new stock photography agency!!

If you are a keen photographer looking to sell their work on-line please get in touch to be the first to be notified when the website is available.

Exciting days ahead ;-)

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Portrait Photography

Children set the pace…

Capturing some of a family’s treasured memories is one of the perks of my job; but a stressed baby/child will always evoke stressful memories no matter how good the picture!

Allowing a two hour time window between shoots enables me to encourage breaks where needed in order to keep the little ones happy – a snack and a drink between sets is often enough of a break to settle frazzled nerves; and if a bubba need a kip then that’s fine too.

Until next time, keep smiling


Thursday, 29 September 2011

Boudoir Photography

Putting clients at ease…

Word of mouth has and probably will always be the best way to gain additional business – so making a client feel comfortable and at ease in front of the camera, for me, is an essential part of my set up.

I always keep an open communication with a perspective client right up to, and including the day of the shoot; encouraging them to research and get a clearer idea of what they hope to achieve during the sitting. Once they arrive at the studio we have a further chat about ideas and I show examples of what I can offer, before we get going.

The main proportion of my work at the moment comes from Boudoir Photography, a growing phenomenon in the non-bridal market; and I have seen a marked increase in interest from “everyday” clients over the last 12-18 months and it is only getting bigger.

As I am essentially “asking” these ladies to bear all in front of the camera, and helping them to feel at ease is vital in capturing natural, confident and sensual images.

Luckily I seem to have been blessed with putting people at ease; and have lost count of the number of ladies who have come to the studio feeling physically sick with nervousness, and have left feeling fabulous!

Until next time
C xx