Thursday, 29 September 2011

Boudoir Photography

Putting clients at ease…

Word of mouth has and probably will always be the best way to gain additional business – so making a client feel comfortable and at ease in front of the camera, for me, is an essential part of my set up.

I always keep an open communication with a perspective client right up to, and including the day of the shoot; encouraging them to research and get a clearer idea of what they hope to achieve during the sitting. Once they arrive at the studio we have a further chat about ideas and I show examples of what I can offer, before we get going.

The main proportion of my work at the moment comes from Boudoir Photography, a growing phenomenon in the non-bridal market; and I have seen a marked increase in interest from “everyday” clients over the last 12-18 months and it is only getting bigger.

As I am essentially “asking” these ladies to bear all in front of the camera, and helping them to feel at ease is vital in capturing natural, confident and sensual images.

Luckily I seem to have been blessed with putting people at ease; and have lost count of the number of ladies who have come to the studio feeling physically sick with nervousness, and have left feeling fabulous!

Until next time
C xx